Friday, October 8, 2010

Updated Syllabus and Reading Schedule

Week Seven
10/11 passive voice / thesis workshop

10/13 Thesis and Draft of Essay #2 Due / read Melville, Confidence Man chpt.1-3 (pg.7-24) / transitions workshop

Week Eight
10/18 Revision of Essay #1 Due / read Melville chpt.4-18 (pg.25-112) / Writing Analytically 275-294

10/20 read Melville chpt.19-24 (pg.113-167)

Week Nine
10/25 Essay #2 Due / read Melville chpt.25-39 (168-244)

10/27 read Melville chpt.39-45 (pt.245-298)

Week Ten (taught by Amira)
11/1 Style exercises / finish Melville

11/3 Marx, "The Fetishism of Commodities..."

Week Eleven (taught by John)
11/8 Benjamin, "The Work of Art ..."

11/10 Benjamin, cont'd

Week Twelve (taught by Amira)
11/15 Horkheimer and Adorno, "The Culture Industry"
11/17 Horkheimer and Adorno, cont'd / Thesis and Draft of Essay #3 Due

Week Thirteen (taught by Amira)
11/22 Horkheimer and Adorno, cont'd / Style exercises
11/23 film screening of Double Indemnity -room/time tba

*note* if you miss class this week because of Thanksgiving, you will be required to rent Double Indemnity and watch it independently over the break*

Week Fourteen
11/29 Quiz on film - discuss film
12/1 discuss film - course wrap up - party?

Due date of Essay #3 TBA


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