Sunday, September 19, 2010

Act 2

Group Members: Carla Bernal, Matthew Iannone and Kira Labuda


Scene 1: The Prince of Morocco persuades Portia that he is worthy of her.

Scene 2: In the beginning, Launcelot recites his monologue about whether he should run away or stay with his master, Shylock. He then tricks his father, Gobbo. Also, in this scene, Bassanio, Gratiano and the rest of Antonio's friends plot to steal Jessica.

Scene 3: Jessica is ashamed to be Shylock's daughter, and promises Lorenzo she will convert into a Christian, if he keeps his promise as well.

Scene 4: Launcelot sends Jessica a message, and the rest of Jessica's plot to run away is made.

Scene 5: Shylock leaves for dinner and leaves Jessica to care for the house.

Scene 6: Jessica flees, disguised as a man, and steals treasures from her father.

Scene 7: Prince of Morocco chooses the first casket (gold) and chooses only by its cover. The prince is generally arrogant.

Scene 8: Saleria and Solanio gossip about Shylock's anger over Jessica fleeing with a Christian, Lorenzo. Also, the closeness (friendship) between Antonio and Bassanio is revealed.

Scene 9: The Prince of Argon chooses the silver casket and receives what "he deserves."

Main Points/Themes:
  • Theme of superficiality, especially with the choosing of caskets.
  • Jessica's cross dressing foreshadows Portia's cross dressing.
  • Theme of race: Prince of Morocco
  • Father-child relations: Gobbo and Launcelot and Jessica and Shylock


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