Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tracking Antonio throughout the play

Tracking Antonio throughout the play
-Antonio opens up the play as he ponders why he is so sad. His friends suggest that his wealth which is at seas is what is making him sad.
-He is confident about his character and his wealth. Therefore, he concludes that he is sad, but it is definitely not related to his investments.

-In this particular scene Antonio makes the bond.
-The contract he signed states that if he cannot repay his loan on time he will repay with a pound of his flesh. Despite the bond being so extreme he goes ahead and proceeds.
-We were able to find an underlying homosexual theme.
-Antonio has homosexual tendencies towards his great friend Bassanio. He signs the contract to try to impress him and declares that his wealth will be three times the loan in two months instead of three.

-In this scene Antonio is thinking about Bassanio being abroad (he has set off to win Portia).
-It is ironic that if he is in love with Bassanio, Antonio just handed him money to go get married.
-Antonio prefers for Bassanio to marry and be happy because he knows that they cannot be together.

-Antonio is taken to the jail by the Jew.
-Antonio writes a letter to Bassanio where he tells him that he is paying his due, he wants to see Bassanio before he dies.
-(3.3.38-39) “Pray god Bassanio come/to see me pay his debt/and then I carry on.”

-(4.1.116) “ I am a taint wether of the flock”
A “taint wether” refers to a castrated sheep
“Meetest for death. The weakest kind of fruit/Drops earliest to the ground and so let me.”
-Antonio is aware that he is gay and he feels he should be condemned.
-(4.1.273)”Give me your hand Bassanio, fare you well”
-(4.1.283-285) “Say how I loved you; speak me fair in death/And when the tale is told, bid her be judge/Whether Bassanio had not once a love.”
-(4.1.289) “I’ll pay it instantly with all my heart.”
-Antonio can only portray his love for Bassanio through money or death. Since money failed he must now die.
-Antonio wants Bassanio to give the ring away. Almost as if he is saying that their friendship should be worth more than Bassanio’s marriage. He even says that Portia would not mind because she knows that they are such good friends.

Portion returns Antonio’s wealth by letting him have half of the Jews wealth and informing him that three of his ships are back.
-Portia being the most intelligent character is doing so in order to hint to Antonio, here is your wealth now let me have my husband.

-If we tie all this back to the opening scene where Antonio wonders why he is so sad, we can assume that is is because he loves his friend Bassanio. He knows that he cannot be with him, therefore Antonio has no other option but to be sad.


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